Racer Information

The Formula Fixed Kart Track Showcase constitutes a fixed-gear elimination race held on short, indoor race tracks. Due to size and time constraints, a maximum of 96 entries will be available.

View Race Roster > View Qualifying Heats >>


8 racers per heat. Elimination race where the last racer across the line on each lap is pulled.


  • Each racer will race 3 races in a round robin qualifiers with the following points for placement:
    • 1st place: 30 points
    • 2nd place: 22 points
    • 3rd place: 15 points
    • 4th place: 10 points
    • 5th place: 6 points
    • 6th place: 3 points
    • 7th place: 1 point
    • 8th place: 0 points
  • Top 24 qualifiers in each category advance to the Finals Circuit

Finals Circuit

  • 3 Semi-final races
  • Top 2 finishers from each semi-final advance to final
  • 3rd and 4th place finishers in each semi-final race the Redemption Round
  • Top 2 finishers from Redemption Round advance to final
  • Last rider pulled in the final wins the tournament



  • 🟩   An indication the track is clear and competition is commencing
  • 🟦   An indication to a rider that they have been eliminated from competition. Please exit the course immediately
  • 🟨   An indication of danger ahead – slow and be prepared to take avoiding action
  • 🟥   An indication the session is stopped. Please slow immediately and follow marshal instructions
  • 🏁   An indication that the heat is complete

Race Start

  • Athletes must arrive at staging 5 minutes prior to the start of their race
  • For qualifiers, athletes are free to choose their starting position. For Semi-finals, and Final races, position will be determined by previous finishing position.
  • Athletes must align their front tire on the start line
  • Athletes must not move until the race is started
  • Athletes must start with one foot on the ground
  • Track stands are not permitted
  • Athletes are not permitted to lean on another athlete or the barriers
  • The race director will signal the race start using the green flag once it is determined all riders are ready to go
  • The race director is not required to give a starting countdown


  • Each heat will consist of a set number of laps, determined by the number of athletes competing
  • The last rider across the line on each lap will be pulled from the race
  • Riders will be eliminated until one rider remains
  • A lap counter will be used to signify how many laps are left
  • A bell will sound to signify the start of the last lap


  • The last rider across the start/finish line on every live lap is eliminated
  • Eliminated riders will exit the course at the designated spot to be communicated to the riders during the rider meeting
  • A finish line camera will be used to verify close results
  • Any disputes or protests need to be made to the judges within 15 minutes of your heat finish

Failure to leave the course upon elimination will result in a penalty that resets any accrued points to zero

Race Stoppages / Re-Starts

  • If the race must be stopped for any reason, the race director and circuit marshals will warn athletes by displaying the red flag around the circuit
  • Heats that are stopped will be re-started with all racers who were not the same racer line up as they were initially
  • Athletes must line-up before the start/finish line designated by race officials
  • Athletes whose dangerous race actions are clearly the cause of the red flag will not be allowed to restart. This will be determined at the Race Directors discretion based on available information
  • Athletes who need prolonged medical attention will not be allowed to restart
  • Athlete Support Crew may not attend to athletes on the circuit at the location of the red flag incident
  • Athlete Support Crew may be allowed to attend to athletes at the start/finish line at the Race Directors discretion


  • If an athlete finishes in the top three of their race category they must report directly to the podium area immediately following the final.
    The podium ceremony starts immediately after the finish of the final.
  • Race kit is mandatory for the podium
  • Athletes are prohibited from bringing their bike onto the podium

Eligibility & Race Categories


At Formula Fixed, we understand that excellence in fixed gear racing comes from a unique combination of physical strength, tactical intelligence, bike handling, stamina, and speed—attributes that manifest uniquely across different body types.

Rooted in this understanding of our sport and the respectful environment we strive to create, our policies are deliberately crafted to support fair competition by ensuring that all athletes can be competitive within race categories that respect their gender identity.

Athlete Eligibility


Formula Fixed events are open to elite and amateur athletes who meet the following criteria:

  • Athlete must be age 16 or older
  • Athlete must be proficient in fixed gear riding

Formula Fixed reserves the authority to reject the registration of any entrant who is unable to meet general eligibility requirements

Race Categories

Expansive – For athletes whose physical performance aligns most closely with that of men, but open to all athletes

Open to all athletes who meet the general eligibility criteria. Athletes who fit the following descriptions must compete in this category:

  • Cisgender/non-trans men athletes*
  • Transgender men athletes who are using Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) whose testosterone levels are above 10nml/L
  • Non-binary athletes assigned male at birth who are not using HRT
  • Non-binary athletes who are using HRT whose testosterone levels are above 10nml/L
  • Transgender women who are using HRT whose testosterone levels are above 10nml/L
  • Transgender women who are not using HRT
*Cisgender/non-trans men athletes include all men athletes whose gender identity corresponds to their sex assigned at birth. This definition is inclusive of cisgender intersex men athletes.
Defined – For athletes whose physical performance aligns most closely with that of women

Open to all athletes who meet the general eligibility criteria and fit one of the following definitions:

  • Cisgender/non-trans women athletes*
  • Transgender women athletes using Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) whose testosterone levels have been at or below 10nml/L for at least 12 months prior to competition
  • Transgender men athletes who are not using HRT
  • Transgender men athletes using HRT whose testosterone levels have been at or below 10nml/L for at least 12 months prior to competition
  • Non-binary athletes assigned female at birth who are not using HRT
  • Non-binary athletes using HRT whose testosterone levels have been at or below 10nml/L for at least 12 months prior to competition
*Cisgender/non-trans women athletes include all women athletes whose gender identity corresponds to their sex assigned at birth. This definition is inclusive of cisgender intersex women athletes.

Athletes can refer to our Gender Inclusion and Competition Guidelines for more detailed information about category eligibility, documentation, and document submission

Formula Fixed reserves the authority to reject the registration of any athlete who does not meet the eligibility criteria outlined for their selected category.


Bicycle Equipment

  • Fixed gear bike
  • No brake
  • No freewheel
  • Drop bars only (dummy hoods/new-gen bunch bars are permissible)
  • Timing chip (for Semifinals > Finals only, provided by FF)
  • Foot retention (clipless pedal or foot strap)
  • Mounted equipment including cameras and computers must be securely attached to the bicycle
  • Water bottle prohibited

Race Apparel

  • Helmet required
  • Cycling bib shorts required
  • Headphones prohibited

Timing Chips

  • Timing chips will be assigned to each rider starting in the Semifinal Rounds
  • Timing chips must be attached to the fork leg
  • Riders competing without a timing chip or with an improperly placed timing chip risk their result not being counted

Race Numbers

  • Body mounted numbers must be visible at all times
  • Seatpost mounted numbers must be visible while bike is in motion


Race Conduct

  • Athletes must ride within their ability level
  • Athletes must hold a predictable line through the corners and give their competitors room
  • Athletes must avoid skidding as much as possible.
  • Athletes skidding dangerously into corners may be removed from the race
  • Athletes must exercise caution when passing slower competitors who have not exited the course

Failure to comply with race conduct guidelines outlined here may result in disciplinary action up to and including race penalties and disqualification

General Conduct

  • Athletes must conduct themselves in a respectable manner
  • Athletes must treat all participants, officials, volunteers and spectators with fairness, respect and courtesy
  • Harassment or bullying of any kind, whether towards other athletes, fans, volunteers, or race organizers, will not be tolerated
  • Athletes must follow all race official directions immediately
  • Riding the course during setup is prohibited

Failure to comply with general conduct guidelines outlined here may result in disciplinary action up to and including race penalties and disqualification